7043056 orig

heavyweight catholic suspended for being honest
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7043056.stm well, honest somewhere along the way, anyway. i suspect that he was honest first, but dishonest later, though i sup that it is logically possible that it was the other way round. ...

GLBT DIGEST October 13, 2007
Check it out atwww.glcensus.org). Why is that important? "Many subgroups of our population are studied," saysJaehnig, who believes it's "important work being done so that LGBT peoplecan be visible to the business world." ..... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7043056.stm. Vatican bars prelate in row. By David Willey BBC News, Rome The Vatican has confirmed local newspaper reports that a high-rankingCatholic priest has been suspended. ...

Colpodimano in concerto
... Cover Band"Colpodimano",sarà in concerto sabato 30 maggio a Olmi di Quarrata(Pistoia),con inizio alle ore 21,00 alla festa dell;Associazione Nova,che si occupa di adozioni a distanza per info; www.associazionenova.org.temp/home.html ...

Contoire encore - courir à Villers Bretonneux
10694: le nombre de connectés sur la totalité du réseau over-blog. Affichage du Pagerank Google offert par ze-pagerank.fr · Hubert Martin · Page Strength SEO Tool - SEOmoz.org Page Strength Score: 48% ...

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