Open Question: Help starting animal organization? | Small Business
Home >All Categories > Business & Finance >Small Business >Open Question Mia Member since:November 07, 2010Total points:538 (Level 2)I'm 14 and I plan on creating an organization that places animals in homes right from their old home! ... How does this sound? Do you think I could pull it off? How much is advertising (the cheaper the better). Animal organizations could even post their animals that need homes on there to find adopters. Is this a practical idea? ...
Media and Animal Conservation « sheppar1
The use of multi-mediaâ"photography, web sites, applications, television shows, magazines, advertising, etcâ"to promote wildlife conservation is a good beginning, but it needs to be just that: only a beginning. ... In 1906, in Whitefish River , Michigan wildlife enthusiast George Shiras captured one of the world's first nighttime photographs of animals achieved using a remote-controlled flashlight camera triggered when an animal stepped on the trip wire[5]. ...